
Welcome to the UDreamSettlement Class Action Website


On March 15, 2024, the BC Supreme Court certified the Class Action for the purpose of settlement. U-Dream is an over-the-counter sleep aid product that was manufactured and/or distributed by Biotrade Canada Ltd., London Drugs Limited, Rexall Pharmacy Group Ltd., Rexall/Pharma Plus Pharmacies Ltd., Whole Foods Market, Whole Foods Market Canada Inc. and PNP Pharmaceuticals Inc (the “Defendants”) in Canada. 

The Plaintiff alleges that U-Dream was contaminated by an undisclosed ingredient and should never have been sold.  Further, the Plaintiff alleges that it caused some Class Members to sustain injuries. 

The proposed settlement of the Class Action must be approved by the Court to become binding.  The settlement is a compromise of disputed claims and is not an admission of liability or wrongdoing or fault by any of the Defendants.

Class Members:

The Class consists of:

a) all persons in Canada who purchased or ingested U-Dream between August 18, 2014 to present; and all persons in Canada who purchased or ingested U-Dream on or after August 18, 2014 

b) where such persons in (a) are deceased, all living parents, spouses or children entitled to maintain a claim against the Defendants pursuant to the Family Compensation Act, R.S.B.C.  1996, c.  126, and persons entitled to bring similar claims in other Provinces and Territories.

Legal Options:

Your Legal Rights and Options in this Settlement

If you are a Class Member and you want to participate in the settlement, you do not need to do anything.

You are automatically included as a Class Member unless you opt out of the applicable proceeding. 

After the Court approves the settlement, you will be notified in writing regarding how to apply for compensation.  

You may contact Class Counsel if you would like to be notified when this information becomes available.

What if I do NOT want to participate in the settlement.

If you do not want to participate in the settlement, you may exclude yourself (“Opt Out”). 

In order to Opt Out, you must complete and sign an Opt Out form and deliver it to Class Counsel by mail, courier, or email no later than the Opt Out Deadline, which is July 9, 2024. The Opt-Out form is available on this site under the documents tab which can be found on the upper right corner of this page. 

The Opt-Out form must be emailed to [email protected], or mailed or couriered to:

UDreamSettlement C/O 

RicePoint Administration, Inc.

P.O. Box 3355

London, ON N6A 4K3

What if I want to object to the settlement or legal fee?

All Class Members have the right to let the Court know of any objection they have to the approval of the Settlement Agreement, claims administration and distribution protocol, Class Counsel fees, disbursements, administration expenses or the payment of an honorarium to the Representative Plaintiff.  To make an objection, you must deliver a letter or written objection by pre-paid mail, courier, or email to Class Counsel on or before July 9, 2024, before 5:00 pm PST at [email protected] or via mail at the address below.

Suite #820 - 980 Howe Street

Vancouver, BC V6Z 0C8

If a Class Member wishes to object, the following information must be included in the letter or written objection delivered to Class Counsel:

a) The objector’s full name, current mailing address, telephone number and email address;

b) Confirmation that the objector is a member of the Class;

c) A statement of the nature and reasons for the objection; and

d) Whether the objector intends to attend the court hearing on their own behalf or through a lawyer, and if by a lawyer, the name, address, telephone number and email address of the lawyer.

Please regularly visit the Settlement Website for updates to the case.